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Spicy Candied Bacon

August 17, 2017

Spicy Candied Bacon

We have attended a few events over the past couple of weeks. One thing they all had in common? Candied bacon! So, we thought it was a perfect of example of one of the many ways you can use Olde Virden's Red Hot Fine Grind. Here is our take on a delicious bacon appetizer or side.


     1 lb of bacon, cut in half

      1/4 cup of packed light brown sugar

      1 tsp Olde Virden's Red Hot Fine Grind

      1/2 cup maple syrup

       optional: 1 tbl bourbon


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Cut the bacon in half. Place on baking sheet.

Mix brown sugar and Olde Virden's. Sprinkle over each side of the bacon.

Place in oven for a few minutes. Take baking sheet out and drizzle half of maple syrup over the slices. Return to over for about 5 minutes. Remove from oven, turn slices over and drizzle with remaining syrup. Return to oven and continue baking for another 10-15 minutes. The bacon should be cooked and crisp. Remove bacon from baking pans and allow to cool.

If you want to add another little punch to your dish, add a tablespoon of bourbon to the maple syrup. It is absolutely fantastic.

Suggested uses:

Add a couple of pieces to a tomato sandwich or a fried green tomato sandwich.

Dip it into your favorite pimento cheese spread.

Add it to a bloody mary.